Amid Lockdown! – Controlling Anxiety
After the first few hours of lockdown, let’s start discussing the tips to make the best out of the lockdown times.
Tip 1- It is crucial to learn how to control anxiety and stay positive. It’s a Sunday, so we must start planning now.
Start with listening to good songs, or watching movies. Have your evening tea on time. Make sure you don’t eat more… commonly in stress situations, people develop eating disorders which aren’t good for health.
Then help your isolation partners in cooking. Remember, those who share household work, can live together more peacefully. After completing your household chores, pull out some indoor games like carrom, or cards.. and encourage everyone at home to involve.
If you have any more ideas, don’t forget to blog.. would love to try those!
Tomorrow is our first day of work from home. Will share effective work from home management tips in my next blog. Till then, relax!